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A89: Allocation of Office, Laboratory, and Classroom Space


The Space Allocation Committee is an administrative committee appointed by the President of the University to oversee the assignment to and utilization by the various organizational units of all facilities and spaces owned or leased by the University. Space needs of programs and patient service organizations associated with the UNM Medical Center are reviewed by the Director of the Medical Center/ Dean of the Medical School.

The membership of the Space Allocation Committee will be the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, Research, Student Affairs, and Business and Finance; the Director of Enrollment Services who coordinates the scheduling of all general classrooms; and a member of the Department of Facility Planning staff. The Vice President for Business and Finance will serve as Committee Chairperson. The Committee will schedule meetings at least once per month.

General Policies. The actions of the Space Allocations Committee will be guided by the following policies:

1. The Committee will review and render decisions concerning the assignment of space in the following circumstances:

a. When space is provided by new construction and/or the subsequent vacation of existing facilities and/or major renovation of existing facilities. b. When a general classroom, lecture hall or seminar room is proposed for conversion to any other use. c. When Deans or Directors cannot resolve space issues among their departments or units or when the need for additional space is beyond their current space allocation. d. When the assignment of space is proposed to be changed from one organizational unit to another unit.

2. Deans and Directors will be responsible for the management of space assigned to their various departments and units and will notify the Committee of the following:

a. When there is a change in the internal allocation of space from one department to another department. b. When the nature of the use of any space is changed. c. When the delineation or configuration of a space is to be changed by the installation or removal of partitions or walls and/or the relocation of doorways. d. When assigned space is greater than the functional needs of a department or unit.

3. The Committee will review the utilization of all space periodically and reallocate space, when appropriate, to promote efficient use of the limited spaces available.

4. When there are multiple requests for new or existing unallocated space, assignment will be generally guided by the following utilization priority order:

\_\_Instruction\* \_\_Library Services \_\_Research \_\_Public Service Functions \_\_Institutional Support Services \_\_Student Government \_\_Other

5. Changes in space assignment and/or utilization within the Student Union Building, the South Campus Complex, the North Campus Medical Center Complex, and the Continuing Education Center will be made in consultation with the Director of Student Union Operations and the New Mexico Union Board, the Athletic Director, the Director of the Medical Center/Dean of the Medical School, and the Dean of Continuing Education respectively.

6. Within the above policy guidelines, high priority will be given to the creation and utilization of multi-use spaces.

7. The Committee will be guided by the following minimum criteria in determining the quantity of space allocated:

\_\_Deans, Department Heads, Directors 140-150 sq. ft. \_\_Professionals 120 sq. ft. \_\_Professionals (Part-time) two or more per room 60 sq. ft. \_\_Secretarial/Clerical Station 120 sq. ft. \_\_Secretarial/Clerical Open Office Configuration 80 sq. ft. \_\_Secretarial/Clerical (Part-time) two or more per room 60 sq. ft. \_\_Graduate Assistants** 50-60 sq. ft.

8. The Committee will refer any space issues that have long-range campus facilities development implications to the Campus Planning Committee for consideration before final action is taken by the Space Allocation Committee.

*Because of very limited classroom space, no general classrooms may be converted to another purpose without the review by the Dean of Admissions and Records.

**Graduate teaching and research assistants may be assigned space if their duties require such space and the space is made available by the department. Work study students will normally not be assigned specific space.

Procedures. The Space Allocation Committee will accept and review requests for changes in space assignment and utilization throughout the year. Since some of the requested actions and Committee's decisions will have financial implications, the Committee will coordinate its decisions with the capital budget planning process. Deans, Department Heads, and Directors are encouraged to anticipate space need issues as part of the annual capital improvement projects planning process to assure consideration in the capital budget plan for the next year.

1. Space issues will be initiated and reviewed in the following sequence:

Department Head Dean/Director Vice President Campus Planner Space Allocation Committee

2. Responsibilities of each participant in the process include:

Department Head: The initiation of the request should include:

\_\_General nature of request \_\_Location of space \_\_Current utilization \_\_Proposed utilization \_\_Justification for request \_\_Time implications for decisions \_\_Results of consultation with current occupants of space if the space is not currently assigned to the department, or is shared with another department \_\_Other information that may be useful to reviewers.

Dean/Director: Should provide the above information if initiating the request or provide comment if reviewing a request.

Vice President: Should provide the above information if initiating the request or provide comment if reviewing a request. Request should be forwarded to the Campus Planner for Committee meeting agenda preparation.

Campus Planner: Responsibilities include:

\_\_Review request \_\_Consult with requesting unit for further detail \_\_Determine alternative solutions \_\_Review or obtain necessary cost implications \_\_Consult with Director of Facility Planning and Director of Physical Plant for availability of funding \_\_Consult with Scheduling Office in situations that have general classroom implications \_\_Prepare Committee agenda information, including recommended Committee action, in consultation with Chairperson.

Space Committee: Review requests and communicate decision to all parties impacted by the request and decision. Committee decisions may be to:

\_\_Approve as requested \_\_Approve alternative solution \_\_Approve, subject to allocation of funds in capital budget plan \_\_Request additional information before action is taken \_\_Disapprove the request.

3. The Committee, after notification by the Dean or Director of any of the conditions in 2 above, will send the Space Allocation Memo to the appropriate University departments or units and will notify the following of the changes:

a. UNM Physical Plant Department b. UNM Lockshop c. UNM Telecommunications d. UNM Parking Services e. NM Commission on Higher Education Space Analyst f. Other applicable departments and/or units.