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Appendix VIII: Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee

Approved by: Faculty Senate
Effective: January 22, 2021
Responsible Faculty Committee: Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee
Office Responsible for Administration: Office of the University Secretary

Revisions to the Policy Rationale, Policy Statement, and Applicability sections of this document must be approved by the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee.

Policy Rationale

The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee's function is to informally investigate the facts and make recommendations when a faculty member has been accused of conduct inconsistent with the Statement on Professional Ethics (Section B: Appendix V).

Policy Statement

**1. Investigation **

When a faculty member has been accused of conduct inconsistent with the Statement on Professional Ethics, the faculty member must first seek resolution of the problem from the chairperson, if any, and if still unresolved the dean, and on up through each authority in turn the same as provided for termination cases (refer to Policy B6 "Academic Freedom and Tenure"). When the matter is still unresolved, the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee may be called into action in either of two ways:

1.1 By the UNM President, the Provost/Executive Vice President for Health Sciences (EVPHS), or the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, when the assistance of the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee's informal investigatory function on issues of professional ethics is desired. When a reference to the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee has been made under this section, the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee shall report its recommendations, and the reasons therefore, to the Administrator or Committee making the reference, and to any other parties deemed appropriate by the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee.

1.2 By a faculty member, graduate, teaching, research, or project assistant who have or believes they have been accused of unethical conduct. The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee may, at its discretion, refuse to respond to requests for investigation under this section, and this discretion may be exercised by the chairperson when it is not convenient to call a meeting of the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee. It is intended that the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee investigate only serious accusations which have or may have done damage to the accused’s reputation. It is not intended that the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee be used as a weapon in personal conflicts. When a reference to the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee has been made under this section, the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee may confer with and report to the UNM President, the Provost/Executive Vice President for Health Sciences (EVPHS), the applicable dean or chairperson, or department at the discretion of the investigating panel.

1.3 Investigations by the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee shall be conducted by panels of three (3) members. Panels shall be selected by the chairperson.

1.4 The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee may informally investigate a situation even though it is also being heard by the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. In such a case the Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee should normally confer with the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure about the matter.

1.5 The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee’s recommendations and reports, if any, may be made in any form the panel chooses. The panel should confer with the person or Committee requesting informal investigation about the appropriate form of report.

2. Membership
The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee shall consist of nine (9) faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate. Members of the committee shall serve for overlapping three-year terms. The chairperson shall be elected each year and shall be a tenured faculty member. In the event that a graduate or professional student is accused of unethical behavior, as defined by the Statement on Professional Ethics, with the concurrence of the accused, a graduate or professional student, appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association, shall serve on the committee, but only for those meetings or parts of meetings during which a graduate or professional student’s behavior is being considered.


All UNM faculty, including the Health Sciences Center and Branch Community Campuses.

Revisions to the remaining sections of this document may be amended with the approval of the Faculty Senate Policy Committee and Operations Committee.


There are no specific definitions required by this Policy.

Who should read this policy

  • All UNM faculty.
  • Academic administrators and staff.
  • Administrative staff responsible for policy development.

Related Documents

Faculty Handbook:


Direct any questions about this policy to Office of the University Secretary.


The Ethics and Advisory Committee will schedule regular meetings. The Ethics and Advisory Committee reports directly to the Operations Committee regarding membership and Committee responsibilities listed in the Committee’s charge. However, deliberations, recommendations, and decisions resulting from investigations conducted by the Ethics and Advisory Committee are reported to the appropriate UNM official(s) and/or AF&T in accordance with Faculty Handbook Section B which includes Appendix VIII “Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee.”


January 22, 2021 - Approved by Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee
Initial Effective Date is unknown