E20 revision log
First tracked online version – February 7, 2019
Update type: First version tracked online
Revision status: Published
Next revision: Minor/maintenance update – November 30, 2022
Revision content
E20: Overseas Research: Guidelines
The following statement, formulated by Education and World Affairs, was adopted in its entirety by the University Faculty on December 12, 1967, as official policy in matters pertaining to the overseas research of the University and its faculty members. The topic sentences of the EWA Guidelines are reproduced below. The full statement is on file in the Office of the University Secretary.
The universities must assume an active and effective role in providing safeguards and setting high standards for U S. study and research undertakings overseas.
The university must take the lead in insisting on the rule of candor and full disclosure in connection with all overseas research.
The university should reject covert funding of overseas research and at the same time press for an enlargement in the grant-making capacity of those government agencies which are not part of the military and intelligence complexes. It should seek to assure that faculty members applying for funds are aware of the full range of possibilities, public and private.
The university should use all available means to assure that suitable academic quality standards are met with respect to overseas research projects and the scholars who will carry them out.
The university should seek to assure that the overseas research of its faculty members enhances the American academic presence abroad and projects the best qualities of our educational community. It can do so partly by encouraging its scholars who are going abroad to take active account of the other country's developmental needs in education and research.
The university should lend its support to the strengthening of our educational representation abroad as a basis for more effective cooperation with the academic communities of other countries.
Through its graduate faculties and professional schools, the university should begin to build into the training of students an appreciation of the types of problems that are involved in overseas research.