C190 revision log
Policy revision – November 26, 2013
Update type: Policy revision
Revision status: Published
Next revision: Moved to section B – April 28, 2020
Revision notes
Updated Policy - As a condition of approval Faculty Senate asked the Policy Committee to work with C. Parker and P. Ganderton to develop procedures to address their concerns.
Revision content
C190: Lecturer Annual and Promotion Reviews
Approved by: Faculty Senate
Effective Date: February 19, 2015
Responsible FS Committee: Policy Committee
Office Responsible for Administration: Office of the Provost and Office of the HSC Chancellor
Policy Rationale
This document provides policies and procedures for annual reviews of lecturers and for promotion requirements for Senior and Principal Lecturers in accordance with Section B: Academic Freedom and Tenure, 2.3.2, 3.4.2, and 4.10.
Policy Statement
A. Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and Principal Lecturers
Faculty may be appointed to the position of Lecturer I, II, or III. These appointments are for professionals with appropriate academic qualifications, who are demonstrably competent in the relevant areas of their disciplines. While not eligible for tenure, lecturers in each numerical class may hold the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, or Principal Lecturer.
1. Lecturer
Most newly hired lecturers are hired as either Lecturer I, II or III unless the department determines that they qualify as a Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer based on experience teaching at another college or university as described in sections 2. and 3. below.In such cases the designation of the newly hired lecturer will be Senior Lecturer I, II, or III; or Principal Lecturer I, II, or III.
2. Senior Lecturer
(a) Lecturers with at least five years of continuous service to the University at 0.5 FTE or greater who have demonstrated professional excellence and shown a conscientious interest in improving their professional skills.
(b) Appointment at, or promotion to, the rank of Senior Lecturer represents a judgment on the part of the department, School or College, and University that the individual has made and will continue to make sound contributions in their professional areas. The appointment should be made only after careful investigation of the candidate's professional and leadership accomplishments and promise.
3. Principal Lecturer
(a) Senior Lecturers with at least eleven years of continuous service to the University at 0.5 FTE or greater who have sustained consistently high standards in their professional contributions, consistently demonstrated their wider service to the University community and its mission, and shown a conscientious interest in improving their professional skills. It is expected that Principal Lecturers will continue to develop and mature with regard to their professional activities and leadership within the University.
(b) Appointment at, or promotion to, the rank of Principal Lecturer represents a judgment on the part of the department, School or College, and University that the individual has attained and will continue to sustain an overall profile of professional excellence and engagement in the wider profession. The appointment should be made only after careful investigation of the candidate's professional and leadership accomplishments and promise.
B. Term Appointments and Performance Reviews
1. Annual Performance Reviews of Lecturers. All Lecturers will have annual performance reviews, which should be conducted according to Section B: Academic Freedom and Tenure, 4.0 of the UNM Faculty Handbook and as specified in this document, as appropriately modified by each School, College, Department or equivalent to conform with each unit’s standard faculty review processes and to reflect each unit’s specific requirements for continuation and promotion of Lecturers. The annual review in the first year must be conducted in the spring, in time for the Chair to provide written notice to the Lecturer no later than March 31 whether the Lecturer’s contract will be renewed. In the second and subsequent years, the review must be conducted in the fall, in time for the Chair to provide written notice to the Lecturer no later than December 15. The Department Chair’s written notice to the Lecturer will be copied to the Dean for inclusion in the Lecturer’s personnel file.
If any performance review of a Lecturer on a one-year appointment produces a negative evaluation, the Chair may exercise the University’s discretion not to renew the Lecturer’s contract. Alternatively, the Chair may provide the Lecturer a written description of the areas in which the Lecturer must improve if she or he is to continue as a member of the faculty. The Chair and the Lecturer must both sign this document. The Lecturer may then be issued a one year contract, with the understanding that if concerns are not adequately addressed, this contact will not be renewed.
2. Term appointments. Lecturers serve on one-year renewable term appointments. Senior Lecturers serve on renewable two-year term appointments, and Principal Lecturers serve on renewable three-year term appointments. In addition, Lecturers who have completed at least three academic years of continuous service are eligible for renewable two-year term appointments. One-, two- and three-year term appointments are renewable at the discretion of the University. In the first contract year, written notice of renewal or non-renewal will be given to the Lecturer no later than March 31. In the second and subsequent contract years, notice of the status of the term appointment will be given no later than December 15. Those Lecturers who serve on two- or three-year term appointments will be provided written notice of the status of their appointments by December 15 of the final year of the term appointment.
Lecturers on two- or three-year term appointments will have annual performance reviews every fall. A negative review in the first year of a two- or three-year term appointment – or in the second year of a three-year term appointment - will result in a written remedial plan with specific requirements. A negative review in the second year of the two-year term appointment - or in the third year of a three-year term appointment - may result in a decision not to renew the appointment. Written notice of this decision must be given to the Lecturer no later than December 15.
3. Year Three Review of Continuing Lecturers: During the fall semester of a Lecturer’s third year of service the Lecturer will be approximately half way to the earliest point at which he or she might seek promotion; after three years a Lecturer will also be eligible for a two-year term appointment. Consequently, to assess the Lecturer’s progress at this time as well as the appropriateness of a two-year term appointment, the annual performance review will include an assessment based on these two issues. If the Lecturer receives a positive rating he or she can expect to retain the title of Lecturer (I, II, or III), with the assurance that promotion expectations are being met, and that the prospects for promotion are favorable. The Lecturer will continue to be eligible for renewable one-year appointments. If the Lecturer’s performance has been evaluated as outstanding, the Lecturer may be offered a two-year term appointment that would start at the beginning of the next contract year. If the Lecturer receives a negative evaluation, the Chair may exercise the University’s discretion not to renew the Lecturer’s contract. Alternatively, the Chair may provide the Lecturer a written description of the areas in which the Lecturer must improve to continue as a member of the faculty. Both the Lecturer and the Chair must sign this document, which will be copied to the Dean. The Lecturer may then be issued a one-year contract, with the understanding that if concerns are not adequately addressed, this contract may subsequently not be renewed.
4. Promotion to Senior Lecturer. Upon completion of at least five years of service, a Lecturer will be eligible to apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer. The Lecturer interested in seeking promotion will generate a Promotion Package, the contents of which will be determined by each School or College, or equivalent. Materials appropriate for such a package might include, but are not limited to, an updated CV, teaching evaluations by students, letters of support from other faculty members, reports from teaching observations by peers, professional recertification (if appropriate), other evidence of professional development, and a personal statement.
Each School or College or equivalent will determine how the Lecturer’s promotion package is to be evaluated. The process should be similar to the process used to evaluate tenure-track and clinician educator (CE) faculty promotions, and should include input from departmental faculty members, including other Lecturers, the Department Chair, and the School or College Dean, who may use an ad-hoc advisory committee. The Department Chair’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Dean. The Dean’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Provost or Chancellor for Health Sciences. The Provost or Chancellor makes the final decision on promotion. The Provost/Chancellor’s decision will be communicated in writing to the Lecturer, the Dean, and the Department Chair. If the promotion is approved, the Lecturer may expect the following.
- Promotion to Senior Lecturer.
- A renewable two-year term appointment.
- A salary increase that is consistent with the policies and practices of the HSC, the College or School, and the Department.
Years of service at other institutions of higher learning may be used to meet the years needed to apply for promotion, at the discretion of the Department Chair and/or Associate Chair.
5. Promotion to Principal Lecturer. Upon the completion of a minimum of eleven years of service, a Senior Lecturer will be eligible to apply for promotion to Principal Lecturer, following the procedures described above for promotion to Senior Lecturer. If the promotion is approved, the Lecturer may expect the following:
- Promotion to Principal Lecturer.
- A renewable three-year term appointment.
- A salary increase that is consistent with the policies and practices of the HSC, the College or School, and the Department.
- The opportunity to apply for a one-semester of academic leave(See Policy C250)with pay to pursue other academic and/or professional opportunity activities. A Principal Lecturer will subsequently be eligible to apply for such leave every six years.
C. Denial of Promotion. In the event of a negative promotion decision (either from “Lecturer” to “Senior Lecturer” or from “Senior Lecturer” to “Principal Lecturer”) the Lecturer will retain his or her former title and benefits, including – if applicable – eligibility for a two-year term appointment. After a two year period, the Lecturer may reapply for promotion.
D. Appeals: A Lecturer may appeal certain decisions not to renew his or her appointment. Non-renewal decisions made at the following time points are at the University’s discretion:
- By the appropriate notice date for a Lecturer on a one-year appointment;
- By the appropriate notice date in the final appointment year of a Lecturer on a two-or three-year term appointment.
Because non-renewal decisions made at these times are at the University’s discretion, such decisions can only be appealed on the basis that they violated laws, statutes, governmental regulations, or UNM policies. The Lecturer has the burden of proof.
Non-renewal or non-continuation decisions made at times other than those at which continuation or renewal is discretionary to the University may be appealed (see Section B: Academic Freedom and Tenure 5.4 and 6.2 of the Faculty Handbook). These times are:
- During a contract period, if an immediate termination is imposed;
- At the end of an annual contract that does not coincide with the end of a two- or three-year term appointment.
A Lecturer may appeal an unfavorable promotion decision by the Provost or Chancellor for Health Sciences, as delineated in Section B: Academic Freedom and Tenure, 6.2 the Faculty Handbook.
All UNM academic faculty and administrators, including the Health Sciences Center and Branch Campuses.
No specific definitions are required for this Policy.
Who should read this policy
- Board of Regents
- Faculty
- Academic staff
- Academic deans and other executives, department chairs, directors, and managers
Related Documents
UNM Faculty Handbook
- Section B Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure, 2.3.2, 3.4.2, and 4.10.
- C250: Academic Leave For Principal Lecturers
Direct any questions about this policy to the Office of the Provost or the Office of the Chancellor for Health Sciences, as appropriate. Procedures
Each college or school is responsible for developing detailed procedures for implementation of this policy. These procedures require approval by the college/school faculty members and dean, with final approval by the Provost or Chancellor for Health Sciences.
- November 26, 2013—Approved by Faculty Senate