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C70 revision log

Policy revision – May 11, 2023

Update type: Policy revision
Revision status: Current revision (published )
Previous revision: First tracked online version – February 7, 2019

Faculty comment period:
January 18, 2022: Proposed changes to C70

Revision notes

  • Policy Rationale: Differentiate between information in the “Faculty Personnel Files” and information that is maintained by UNM administration for reporting and/or documentation purposes.
  • Policy Statement: Add language to address members in a bargaining unit.
  • Section 1.2: Add language to address concern raised above in the Policy Rationale section.
  • Section 2.1: Change language to align with bargaining unit language that states 10 working days as opposed to without reasonable delay.
  • Sections 2.4 and 2.5: Add to incorporate language in the bargaining agreement that seems appropriate to all faculty.
  • Section 2.6: Add to affirm that AF&T and the University Secretary may have access to Faculty Personnel Files when an issue is appealed to AF&T.
  • Related Documents: Add all applicable policies.
  • Procedures: Add a table that shows the allowable Faculty Personnel Files, what’s in them, and where they are housed.

Revision content