A61.5 revision log
Policy revision – April 22, 2014
Update type: Policy revision
Revision status: Current revision (published )
Revision notes
Updated Policy to increase membership from ten to twelve members and place in new policy format. Faculty Senate Operations Committee revised to add provision limiting membership to three from the seven areas concurrently.
Revision content
A61.5: Campus Development Advisory Committee
The Campus Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises the UNM administration on issues relating to the physical environment of the campus as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals and quality of life at the University. The CDAC serves as a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas and proposals regarding development on the campus and its impact on the campus community, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the City of Albuquerque.
The intent of the committee’s involvement is to carry out intelligent and representative reviews of proposed projects, and to offer constructive comment and recommendations directly to the administrative group managing the projects as well as serving as an advisory body to the Provost and Faculty Senate.
Scope of Committee Reviews
The CDAC reviews initiatives that will result in a physical alteration to the campus fabric. The types of projects that fall under the Committee’s review include:
- Site selection for new buildings or other space development
- Placement of new buildings on a site
- Site development for buildings or landscape architectural projects such as plazas, open space areas, recreational areas, pedestrian zones, parking lots
- General character, size, massing and materials of proposed new buildings
- Proposed alterations to historic elements of the campus
- Plans for changes to the patterns of access and circulation systems on campus, and as these connect to city systems
- Issues regarding the Campus Master Plan
Evaluative Criteria
The CDAC reviews proposals to consider the general ‘fit’ between the project and a range of contextual conditions, including:
- The health and safety of students, employees, visitors and residents of the campus
- Potential impacts on movement, visual accessibility and environmental conditions in the surrounding context in which the project is proposed
- The degree to which the proposal incorporates sustainable practices in site and building development
- The aesthetic impact of the proposed development
- The impact of the proposed project on the Campus Master Plan and future development considerations
Committee Procedure
- The Committee reviews proposals in the preliminary phase of the design process at stage when suggestions and recommendations can still be incorporated. They receive information on the projects again at the completion of the design development stage.
- The Institutional Support Services (ISS) Division and its project managers bring projects before the committee at the appropriate stages of development.
- The Committee reports in an advisory capacity to the Provost, Faculty Senate Operations Committee and Vice President for Institutional Support Services through the Faculty Committee Chair
- ISS provides staff support for the Committee.
- The Committee will meet monthly (generally, on the 2nd Thursday of each Month).
Committee Representation
- Seven faculty members are appointed by Faculty Senate, five from the main campus (including one from the faculty of Architecture and Planning), and two from the north campus.
- Three student representatives, one from the Associated Students of UNM (ASUNM), one from the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) and one from the Residence Halls Student Association.
- The Administrative members shall be the Vice President for Institutional Support Services; the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Student Affairs (including representatives for student development and the accessibility resource center), the Vice President of the Health Sciences Center; and the Administrator of the UNM Hospital. Any of the administrators may be represented by individuals under their supervision who are designated at the first meeting of each academic year.
The following individuals will have non-voting membership on the committee:
- The UNM Directors of: Planning and Campus Development, Physical Plant, Real Estate, Office of Capital Projects, UNMH Facilities Services, the University Architect, University Landscape Architect, University Planner, Campus Chief of Police, Parking Services Director, and Campus Safety Director
- Three representatives from the City: one each from the Planning Department; the Public Works Department; and the Transit and Parking Department
- Four representatives from neighborhood associations that are located in the four quadrants (north, east, south and west) which are contiguous with the main and north campuses; these four neighborhood representatives will be selected by the Federation of University Neighborhoods.
The Committee is chaired by a faculty member elected by the faculty members from among voting committee members. The Vice President for Institutional Support Services shall co-chair the committee.