A83: Annual Reports
Approved by: Faculty Senate
Effective: April 22, 2014
Responsible Faculty Committee: Policy
Office Responsible for Administration: Provost, HSC Chancellor, and EVP for Administration
Revisions to the Policy Rationale, Policy Statement, and Applicability sections of this document must be approved by the full Faculty Senate.
Policy Rationale
Annual reports ensure accountability and provide a measure of how well and at what cost UNM is fulfilling its mission of teaching, research, patient care, and public service. Annual reports serve as management tools for UNM’s leadership, faculty, and staff, by documenting the success of each division in meeting its key goals. They also provide UNM’s stakeholders with a snapshot of the achievements and challenges of each division during the past year, as well as plans for the future.
Policy Statement
Annual reports will be prepared by the Provost, Chancellor for Health Sciences, and the Executive Vice President for Administration. These leaders are charged with providing:
- a brief description of their units, including information on function, budget, and personnel;
- major activities for the year; and
- plans for the future.
The reports will provide a clear picture of the division’s contributions to UNM’s achievement of its mission and key goals. The annual reports will be made available and accessible to faculty, staff, and the public. The reports will become part of the permanent records of the University, and reference to them is invited at any time.
All UNM units, including the Health Sciences Center and Branch Campuses.
Revisions to the remaining sections of this document may be amended with the approval of the Faculty Senate Policy and Operations Committees in consultation with the responsible Faculty Senate Committee listed in Policy Heading.
No specific definitions are required for the Policy Statement.
Who should read this policy
- Academic chairs, directors, and deans
- Non-academic managers and directors
- Faculty members
Related Documents
Direct any questions about this policy to your vice president.
Annual reports should include unique indicators, presenting data on a wide spectrum of activity including the division’s impact on student success and/or quality of patient care; affordability, capacity, and quality of services provided; and effective use of UNM’s resources.
To ensure integrity and internal consistency the indicators used should be:
- Based on data that are publicly available and may be reproduced.
- Commonly used nationally or internationally.
- Presented in a way that makes their meaning apparent.
- In a format that allows for comparison to other institutions and trend analysis, when appropriate.
The Annual Report should be brief and well organized. It should not include superfluous materials such as brochures, calendars, class schedules or flyers.
The Provost, Chancellor for Health Sciences, and the Executive Vice President for Administration may request deans and directors to submit annual reports for their academic and administrative units for inclusion in the annual reports.
January 25, 2011—Approved by Faculty Senate
August 24, 2010—Approved by Faculty Senate